Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Life is Starting Sooner than Expected

Today I got a call from my future employer. We only spoke loosely about start dates before this, but my impression was that I would start in late January. Apparently, the reality is completely different- November 19th or December 2nd...

Let me give you the run down. I have never had my own car (or insurance, just leeched off parents and friends), I have never had my own apartment (with electricity/bills etc.), it is in a different state, and I have no money. If that weren't enough- I am dead set on doing NanoWriMo.

There is a logical reason I am not panicking. At this point in life, I feel it is safe to say I am at least average at pretty much everything. With that said, thousands of people who span the entire spectrum of intelligence and ability are able to maintain an apartment and car every month for tens of years without making too many mistakes. I figure if I just focus I should be able to handle it without making any.

The task is slightly more complex however, because it involves moving, to a different state, for a new job, while writing a book.

But moving should only occupy a day or two of intense labor, followed by months of buying "this and that". A different state is just newness, and probably won't make a difference. A new job is OK, because the company is awesome and I have been trained in the things I am expected to do. Finally, writing a book over 30 days is only about 1 or 2 hours each day.

I love how rationalization works, I feel so much better.

1 comment:

Joseph Higgins said...

This entry made me feel better about my problems too. Thanks Andrew.